2024-06-24   审核人:   (点击数:)




Email: hxb220170@126.com




1.      锂离子电池及绿色循环

2.      钠离子电池


1.          Interfacial reviving   of the degraded LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2   cathode by LiPO3 repair strategy, Small, 2022,18: 2107346

2.          In situ co-doping   strategy for achieving long-term cycle stability of single-crystal Ni-rich   cathodes at high voltage,Chemical Engineering Journal,2022, 445: 136825

3.          A facile strategy for   developing uniform hierarchical Na3V2(PO4)2F3@carbonized   polyacrylonitrile multi-clustered hollow microspheres for    high-energy-density sodium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal,   2022,428:131780

4.          High-power   double-face flow Al-air battery enabled by CeO2 decorated MnOOH   nanorods catalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal,2021, 406:126772

5.          3D porous spheroidal   Na4Mn0.9Ce0.1V(PO4)3@CeO2/C   cathode for high-energy Na ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A,   2022, 10, 10625–10637

6.          Boosting cycling   stability through Al(PO3)3 loading in a Na4MnV(PO4)3/C   cathode for high-performance sodium-ion batteries, Journal of Colloid and   Interface Science, 2023,642: 705–713

7.          Novel PETEA-based   grafted gel polymer electrolyte with excellent high-rate cycling performance   for LiNi0.5Co0.2Ni0.2Mn0.3O2   lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022,613:   606–615

8.          High-rate-capacity cathode   based on Zn-doped and carbonized polyacrylonitrile-coated Na4MnV(PO4)3   for sodium-ion batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15:   22132-22141

9.          Interface-driven   pseudocapacitance endowing sandwiched CoSe2/N-doped Carbon/TiO2   microcubes with ultra-stable sodium storage and long-term cycling stability,   ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13: 61555-61564

10.      Enhancing lithium-ion   and electric conductive Li2FeSiO4 cathode through in   sit-doping and carbon-coating strategy, Rare Metals, 2022, 41:4055-4064
