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Email: lsy651204@163.com


刘少友,1970年生,男,工学博士、教授,硕士生导师,贵州省人民政府特殊津贴专家、英德市匠心新材料股份有限公司广东省博士工作站负责人、学术委员会主任委员,技术总监,广东省生态功能PU合成革工程技术研发中心主任,湖南文理学院第五届学术委员会委员,新疆大学研究生导师。1987.8-1995.4 湖南省洞口县南泥乡政府从事土地管理工作;1995.5-2001.8支援新疆经济建设,在新疆天业集团公司石河子化工厂、中发化工有限责任公司从事聚氯乙烯高分子材料的生产技术与管理、产品销售工作;2001.9-2004.6 新疆大学化学工艺专业学习获工学硕士学位;2004年7月入职凯里学院工作。2005.12 获讲师资格、2007.12破格晋升副教授、2010.12破格晋升教授、2016.5晋升贵州省三级教授、2022.11晋升湖南省二级教授;其间,2008.9-2011.9广西大学化学工艺专业学习获工学博士学位。现主要从事室温固相合成技术、纳米材料与绿色催化、生物质高分子材料、污水处理等方面的研究;先后主持并完成国家自然科学基金1项、省级项目8项,其他横向课题16项,发表学术论文120余篇,其中SCI收录论文35篇,中文核心期刊56篇;获国家授权的发明专利11项、实用新型专利6项,其中4项发明专利已转让,新增产值10亿元以上。






1.           Liu Shao-You, Zuo   Cheng-Gang, Zhou Shi-Biao, Zheng Wei-Guo and Feng Qing-Ge. Sulfur Doped Ceria   Mesoporous Nanomaterial: Solid-State Synthesis, Characterization and   Photocatalytic Property of Methyl Orange. Science of Advanced Materials,   2017, 9, 1-10

2.           Liu Shao-you, Chen   Yuan-dao, Qiu Tao-yu, Ou Li-hui, Zuo Cheng-gang & Feng Qing-ge. Sulfur   Doped Lead Monoxide Superfine Powder Materials: Solid-State Synthesis,   Characterization, Adsorption and Photocatalytic Property   of Methylene Blue. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers   and Materials, 2018, 28, 2584-2595

3.           S.Y. Liu, W.H. Tang,   H.Y. Yang, C.Y. Luo, T.Z. Jiang. Solid-phase Synthesis and photocatalytic   Property of Sulfur and Nickel Doped Tin Oxide Powder Materials by Isomeric   Surfactant as Template. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers   and Materials, 2020,30,457-468

4.           Liu Shao-you , Chen   Yuan-dao , Tang Yu-cai , Wang Fei-fei , Feng Qing-ge. Weak Interaction of Ni-Doped SnO2   Powder Materials with Sodium Benzenesulfonate Homologues as Templates. Journal   of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. 2020, 30,   3014-3025

5.           Shao-you   Liu , Cheng-gang Zuo, Jie Xia. Solid-State Synthesis and Photodegradation   Property of Anatase TiO2 Micro-Nanopowder by Sodium Replacement. Solid   State Sciences, 2021,115,106589-106598

6.           Shao-You Liu,   Yuan-Dao Chen, Cheng-Gang Zuo, and Qing-Ge Feng. Photodegradation Attenuated   OscillationA Novel Photocatalytic Characteristic for   the Polymetallic Oxide Semiconductor Porous Materials with Energy Bandgap   Gradient. ChemistrySelect2021,   37(6), 1-14

7.           Shao-You Liu, Qian   Wang, Li-Hui Ou, Hong-Li Du. You Long, Wei-Jun Zhen. Solid-phase Synthesis of   Non-metallic (S, N)-doped Tin Oxide Nanopowders at Room Temperature and Its   Photocatalytic Degradation Properties of Biomass Treated Wastewater. Journal   of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials,   2022, 32, 2748- 2762

8.           Shao-you Liu , Li-hui   Ou, Qian Wang, You Long, Dan Ren, Zhang Yu-ping, Chen De-liang, Chen Yuan,   Chen Meng-jun. Solid-phase Synthesis, Reaction Mechanism of Biomass Glycerol   Metal Chelates and Its Thermal Stability Property for PVC. J. Appl. Polym.   Sci. 2022, e53455

9.           Shao-you Liu,   Bao-shen Zhang, Yu-lin Ouyang, Li-hui Ou, Sheng-qiang Qiu,You Long, Shi-jie   Xiong. Solid Phase Synthesis of Alkoxyl Tin and Its Multi-stage   Thermogravimetric Kinetics for PVC. Results in Chemistry, 2023, 6,   101101-101110
