2024-06-24   审核人:   (点击数:)

说明: 欧利辉博士教授.jpg




Email: lihuiou@huas.edu.cn








1.      能源转换电催化反应机理

2.      电催化剂结构与反应活性关系


1.          Lihui Ou, Wanli You,   Junling Jin, Mechanistic Insights into the Effect of Halide Anions on Electroreduction   Pathways of CO2 to C1 Product at Cu/H2O   Electrochemical Interfaces, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2023, 13(24),   7149-7161.

2.          Lihui Ou, Wanli You,   Junling Jin, Yuandao Chen, Theoretical Understanding of the Effect of Specifically   Adsorbed Halide Anions on Cu-Catalyzed CO2 Electroreduction Activity   and Product Selectivity, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25(35): 23977-23987.

3.          Lihui Ou, Zixi He,   Yuandao Chen, Junling Jin, Mechanistic Insights into Potential Dependence of   CO Electrochemical Reduction into C1 Products based on a H   Coverage-Dependent Cu(111)/H2O Interface Model, Physical Chemistry   Chemical Physics, 2020, 22(36): 20444-20452.

4.          Lihui Ou, Junxiang   Chen, Theoretical Insights into the Effect of the Overpotential on CO   Electroreduction Mechanisms on Cu(111): Regulation and Application of   Electrode Potentials from a CO Coverage-Dependent Electrochemical Model,   Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22(1): 62-73.

5.          Lihui Ou, Junxiang   Chen, Yuandao Chen, Junling Jin, Mechanistic Study on Cu-Catalyzed CO2   Electroreduction into CH4 at Simulated Low Overpotentials Based on   an Improved Electrochemical Model, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019,   21(28): 15531-15540.

6.          Lihui Ou, Junxiang   Chen, Yuandao Chen, Junling Jin, Mechanistic Study of Pt-Catalyzed   Electrooxidation of HCOOH in Acid Medium: Kinetic Considerations on the   Effect of Solvation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(43):   24871-24884.

7.          Lihui Ou, Theoretical   Insights into the Effect of Solvation and Sublayer Ru on Pt-Catalytic CH3OH   Oxidation Mechanisms in the Aqueous Phase, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,   2018, 122(26): 14554-14565.

8.          Lihui Ou, Shengli Chen,   DFT Calculation Analysis of Oxygen Reduction Activity and Stability of   Bimetallic Catalysts with Pt-Segregated Surface, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry,   2015, 58(4): 586-592.

9.          Lihui Ou, Shengli   Chen, Comparative Study of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Mechanisms on the   Pd(111) and Pt(111) Surfaces in Acid Medium by DFT, Journal of Physical   Chemistry C, 2013, 117(3): 1342-1349.

10.      Lihui Ou, Fan Yang,   Yuwen Liu, Shengli Chen, First-Principle Study of the Adsorption and   Dissociation of O2 on Pt(111) in Acidic Media, Journal of Physical   Chemistry C, 2009, 113(48): 20657-20665.

