2024-06-24   审核人:   (点击数:)

说明: 肖安国博士教授




Email: xiaoanguo123@sina.com


肖安国,男,197412月生、理学博士、教授、硕士生导师。现任水处理功能材料湖南省重点实验室主任,湖南省材料类教学指导委员会委员、湖南省“121工程人才、湖南省科学技术协会海智基地(湖南文理学院)负责人、湖南省材料科学与工程一流专业负责人、湖南省科技厅企业科技特派员、常德市科技局企业科技特派员、中国化学学会会员、湖南化工学会理事。主要从事功能化高分子材料研究,主持或参与国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金项目、中央引导地方科技发展-成果转移转化项目、省重点领域研发项目、省自科基金项目、教厅育重点科研项目、市重大(点)科技项目以及各类横向项目共计二十多项。在MacromoleculesJ Porous MaterCatalysis   Communications等国内外期刊上发表科研论文80多篇、出版专著与教材5部、申请国家发明专利8项。获得湖南省教学成果二等奖、湖南省科技进步三等奖。


1.      医用高分子材料

2.      高分子水凝胶

3.      水处理功能材料


[1]     Xiao Anguo, Wang Li, Liu Qingquan. A   Novel Linear-Hyperbranched Multiblock Polyethylene Produced from Ethylene   Monomer Alone via Chain Walking and Chain Shuttling Polymerization.   Macromolecules 2009, 42, 1834-1837.

[2]     Xiao Anguo, ,Zhou Shibiao , Li Fei , Liu   Pan , Liu Hao.Active site selectivity of   2,3-Bis[(2,6-diisopropylphenylimino)butane] nickel/MAO/ZnEt2 system toward   ethylene polymerization for modulating polyethylene microstructure.Catalysis   Communications ,2019,123  23–26 .

[3]     Anguo Xiao, Shibiao Zhou, Chenggang Zuo,   Yongbing Zhuan, Xiang Ding. Synthesis of MnO2/C composite nanotubes as   advanced cathode of supercapacitors. Materials Research Bulletin 2017,96 ,330–334.

[4]     Nian Pan, Anguo Xiao*, Feifei Wang, Xiang   Ding, Guoxiang Pan & Xinhui Xia.Highly porous Li4Ti5O12 fifilms as   high-rate electrodes for fast lithium ion Storage.Materials Research Bulletin.   2020.35,635-641

[5]         Qi Peng , Hongwei   Zhao ,* , Qilin Yang , Guang Chen , Xinxiu Cao  , Shaohui Xiong  ,   Anguo Xiao ,**, Gen Li  , Bo Liu , Qingquan Liu,Investigation of   hydrogen adsorption sites in ferrocene-based hypercrosslinked polymers by DFT   calculations.journal of materials research and technology 2023;24:7189 -197.

[6]         Feng Ma, Mingwang   Xiang, Jingjing Kong, Feifei wang , Anguo Xiao* Fabrication of Porous and   Conductive Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanofilm Through Reverse Micellar   Etching Method.POLYMER MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING,10.16865/j.cnki.1000-7555.2024.0072
