2024-06-24   审核人:   (点击数:)



Email: zile_zhou@163.com


周紫乐,1995年生,女,理学博士,讲师,湖南师范大学化学专业获博士学位(2017.09-2022.06)。主要从事化学生物学、有机功能染料的发开及小分子荧光探针方向的研究,在Anal. Chem., Biosens. Bioelectron., Sens. Actuators B: Chem, Anal.   Chim. Acta, Talanta, Dyes Pigm.等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文十余篇,主持湖南省教育厅项目一项。


1.      化学生物学

2.      小分子荧光探针

3.      有机功能染料的开发


1.          Zhou ZL, Chen SY, Huang   YH, et al. Simultaneous visualization and quantification of copper (II) ions in   Alzheimer's disease by a near-infrared fluorescence probe, Biosensors and   Bioelectronics, 2022, 198: 113858

2.          Zhou ZL, Fang C, Shen   YM, et al. A superior near infrared fluorescent probe for revealing the   relationship between peroxynitrite and Alzheimer's disease. Sensors and   Actuators B: Chemical, 2024, 415, 1359751.

3.          Zhou ZL, Li YQ, Su W,   et al. A dual-signal colorimetric and near-infrared fluorescence probe for   the detection of exogenous and endogenous hydrogen peroxide in living cells,   Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 280: 120-128

4.          Zhou ZL, Tang HH, Chen   SY, et al. A turn-on red-emitting fluorescent probe for determination of   copper(II) ions in food samples and living zebrafish, Food Chemistry, 2021,   343: 128513

5.          Zhou ZL, Li PJ, Liu ZH,   et al. Construction of a unique fluorescent probe for rapid and highly   sensitive detection of glutathione in living cells and zebrafish, Talanta,   2022, 243: 123364-123364
