2024-06-24   审核人:   (点击数:)



Email: ydong0414@163.com


董燕,1995年生,女,工学博士,现为湖南文理学院化学与材料工程学院讲师。北京化工大学化学工程与工艺专业获工学学士学位(2013.09-2017.07),中南大学化学工程与技术专业获工学博士学位(2017.09-2023.12),加拿大阿尔伯塔大学化工与材料工程系联合培养(2021.11-2023.09)。主要从事催化剂材料合成及电池性能研究,以第一作者在Energy   Storage Materials、Nano Letters等国际期刊发表论文6篇,以合作作者在Journal of Colloid and Interface   Science、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、AIChE Journal等国际期刊发表论文9篇。


1.      电催化剂的制备及电解水性能研究

2.      电池电解液性能研究


1.          Y. Dong, Q. Sun, Y.M.   Chen, W.J. Deng, H. Zhang, H.B. Zeng, G.Y. Liu, X.L. Wang, Spontaneous   Anode-Molecule Interface Triggers Highly Reversible Zinc Anode. Energy   Storage Materials, 2024, 70, 103465.

2.          Y. Dong, Z.P. Deng,   H. Zhang, G.Y. Liu, X.L. Wang, A Highly Active and Durable Hierarchical   Electrocatalyst for Large-Current-Density Water Splitting. Nano letters,   2023, 23, 19, 9087-9095.

3.          Y. Dong, S. Liu, W.J.   Deng, H. Zhang, G.Y. Liu, X.L. Wang, Modulating electronic structures of   bimetallic Co-Fe sulfide ultrathin nanosheet supported on g-C3N4   promoting electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance. Journal of Colloid   and Interface Science, 2024, 653, 1557–1565.

4.          Y. Dong, Z.P. Deng,   Z.X. Xu, G.Y. Liu, X.L. Wang, Synergistic tuning of CoO/CoP heterojunction   nanowire arrays as efficient bifunctional catalysts for alkaline overall   water splitting. Small Methods, 2023, 2300071.

5.          Y. Dong, H. Sun, G.Y.   Liu, Exploring the electrocatalytic activity of cobalt disulfide nanosheets   towards the hydrogen evolution reaction with in situ ECAFM. Sustainable   Energy & Fuels, 2021, 5 (16), 4115-4125.
