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Email: youdeng956868@163.com

游登,1990年生,男,工学博士,讲师。湖南大学化学工程与技术专业获博士学位(2018.09-2022.06)。主要从事MOFs 材料的功能化设计及重金属资源化回收方面的研究,参与国家自然科学基金1项、科技部重点研发项目子课题1项、江西省人才团队计划-科技创新人才重点项目1项目,发表论文10余篇。


1.      MOFs材料的功能化设计

2.      重金属资源化回收


1.          You D, Shi H, Peng MMT,   et al. Metal-center effect induced efficient charge transfer of metal-organic   framework for strengthening Sb(V) capture performance, Nano Research, 2022,   15(9): 8516-8523

2.          You D, Shi H, Yang LM,   et al. Tuning the Sb(V) adsorption performance of La-MOFs via ligand   engineering effect: Combined experiments with theoretical calculations,   Chemical Engineering Journal , 2022, 435: 134874-134874

3.          You D, Shi H, Yang LM,   et al. Tuning the effective utilization of adsorption sites in La-MOFs via a   steric hindrance effect towards enhanced As(iii) removal, Environmental   Science: Nano , 2021, 8(11): 3387-3394

4.          You D, Shi H, Xi Y,   et al. Simultaneous heavy metals removal via in situ construction of   multivariate metal-organic gels in actual wastewater and the reutilization   for Sb(V) capture, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 400: 125359-125359

5.          You D, Min XY, Liu LL,   et al. New insight on the adsorption capacity of metallogels for antimonite   and antimonate

removal: From experimental to theoretical study.   Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 346:218-225.
